Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Initial Magazine Advert

This was my initial idea for my magazine advert. I was sure I wanted to use this image however I wasnt sure how to fit the text around it without obstructing my artists face or arms as her arms are important to the gesture code.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Magazine advert text

There are a few common things found on magazine adverts. I picked out the ones I wanted to use on mine from existing products.

1) Release Date or 'Out Now'
I chose to use 'Out Now' because I wanted to be able to brag about the ratings iot received which would only be possible if the song had been released

2) Star Ratings
I chose to use this as a way of promoting my artist. This is common amongst new artists that have not made a name for themselves yet. I chose Daily Mail and The guardian as I saw them used on other existing products

3) Website
Most, if not all, of the adverts I saw included the artist's website. This way someone can easily find out more information about my artist. I kept my website simple by using my artist name and 'official' only.

4) Includes...
I chose to use this as it further promotes my title song 'how you like me now' I chose to write "Includes #1 Hit "How You Like Me Now"

5) Record Company
I chose Island records as my record label because the logo was simplistic and my artist would fit well amongst their existing ones such as Demi Lovato and Katy Perry.

6) Listening Platform
I chose play.com as my platform for listening to my song because the logo is minimalistic and I noticed it on a few other adverts.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Filming day 2 weather check

When checking the weather for the planned filming date, it was important that it didn't rain between 12 and 3 because we need to film outside. As we can see in the forecast, it was scheduled to rain. As  not to waste my actress's time, I decided to reschedule the filming to the next week.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Filming day 1 Weather Check

It is important to check the weather to ensure it wont rain whilst we are filming in the outdoor scene.We will schedule to film outside from 12pm as this is when we will have a consistent amount of lighting and no rain.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Filming Day Agenda


I set up a rough schedule of the day so that I could use the time we had effectively. Since I am filming at my actresses house, I met her there at 11am after school.
We started with the innocent bed scene as hey required the least makeup and would eliminate us wasting time removing and reapplying it.
Next we will film the living room and kitchen scene.
I decided to split our filming into 2 separate days to so that I could ensure I get all the footage I need.
On the second day, Sunday, I will film the remaining scenes. After checking the weather I have decided to start filming the outdoor scene at 12 as there is a consistent amount of light and it will not rain.
I will also be taking some pictures as we go so that I can feature them in the Digipak.